Monday, April 1, 2013

Zombie Column: GI Joe: Retaliation

I saw GI Joe: Retaliation this Good Friday, because nothing says Solemn Religious Occasion like an action-fest. I went with a group of friends, so it was me, Steve, Rich, Jay and Brian. We went to the best theatre in town (probably). It's a little more expensive, but it huge, and loud, and you can reserve seats ahead of time, and we got in for free because I have a SCENE card and it's awesome.

Anyway, previews were for The Fast and the Furious 6 (Aww Yeah!), Star Trek: Into Darkness (Aww Yeah!), Iron Man 3 (which Steve and I tied on, and also Aww Yeah!) and World War Z, which I lost to some guy in the row behind me and a few seats over. Well played, sir. Well played.

The movie had four company screens, but the last one was for Hasbro, which I'm sure brought a lot of smiles to faces in the theatres. They can go on making movies, as far as I'm concerned, and I will happily pay money for whatever blockbusters they put out.

The movie opens in the North Korean DMZ, with our heroes starting a mission to retrieve a prisoner. So they cut the chain link fence, create a diversion and extract the prisoner, who's conveniently jailed a mere 20 meters from the border. I don't think North Korea is inept enough to put anything in the DMZ except for watch towers, let alone prison cells within spitting distance of South Korea, but whatever. Anyway, one of the Joes goes a little independent and raises the Joe flag on the NK flag pole, but no harm came from it, and it was all in good fun and no one got hurt.

Next, we get to see Duke (Channing Tatum) and Roadblock (Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson) bonding, and it's hilarious. I know 21 Jump Street proved Tatum had comedic chops, but it's always nice when he adds in a little extra humour.

From there, the Joes get sent to Pakistan to secure some nuclear weapons, and the plot kicks off. I won't spoil it for you, even though it barely matters, because GI JOE! Whoo! Explosions! Guns! Martial Arts! Fights while rappelling down the side of a mountain! That sequence was actually fairly lengthly, and also awesome. More movies need to do that. Sword fighting while running along the sides of cliffs? Yes please!

Besides that, the rest of the action scenes were pretty good as well. I didn't mind the short cuts and chaotic action as much as I usually do. Maybe I'm willing to cut GI Joe a bit more slack, or maybe I'm just getting used to it, but they were all awesome. Ridiculous, but awesome.

My only quibbles with this movie are small. There are accusations that the movie was delayed so that more Channing Tatum could be written in. Turns out, those accusations are unfounded, so the only reason to delay it for 9 months was to put in the 3D. And while most of the 3D was good, there were some curious camera placements choices. We had an over the shoulder shot of one guy speaking, except the blurry shoulder was still in the shot. Normally this isn't a problem, except it was in 3D, so the blurry shoulder jumped out at us. That's just poor cinematography, and I know my cinematography, having studied it not at all.

Also, the music was merely alright. Some of it was pretty good, and some of it wasn't. All in all, it balanced out to okay, but I want more than okay in my bombastic soundtracks. I want epic themes of heroism and saving the world from global catastrophe.

But those niggling problems aside, this movie is fantastic. Don't get me wrong, you'll need to turn your brain off before you get inside. But once you do, prepare for the awesome! It's a theatre movie for me, and probably the best movie I've seen this year (not that that helps much).

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